Want to take notes on the go? Look no further - a simple, no-nonsense note taker.
Visit the page. By default, you will be using an anonymous handle. If you want to write personalized notes, visit and replace <name> with your name.
Eg: You can visit notes42-app.herokuapp.com/manan
Now, you can write your own notes, and when you return, your notes will be right here!
- You will need python(3+) and pip installed to run your own server. Then fork/clone my web-dev project from Github.
- Move to the notes directory within the cloned repository
cd <path/to/web-dev>/notes
- Install the required dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run the website
python3 server.py
Feel free to contribute features / point out errors. Fork my repository and make a pull request.
I promise I’ll have a look!