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I am a coodardy1 programmer captivated by the beauty of Mathematics. On a mission to make machines intelligent so that I can finally sleep in peace. Check out some of my cooler projects here!

I am a third-year student at BITS Pilani pursuing a dual degree (bachelor’s in Computer Science along with a master’s in Mathematics). A huge Linux fan along with Vim (Have you tried qutebrowser?). I love reading novels (HG2G anyone?), playing Table Tennis, watching (and playing) Cricket. I can also solve the Rubik’s cube.

I was always fascinated by the field of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Armed with a basic understanding of Linear Algebra and Statistics, I started exploring Machine Learning in the winter vacations after my first year. I learned the basics (from deeplearning.ai). Over the next year, I did projects ranging from Recommending movies and Detecting diseases in plants to improving public transport and generating new passages from my favourite novel. It was a fun journey!
In my fifth semester, during a course on Optimization, I was introduced to Genetic Algorithms. I was mesmerized by the idea and delved into the world of Genetic Algorithms. One thing led to another, and I found myself reading Reinforcement Learning - An introduction. Lately, I have been reading more about Reinforcement Learning and spend my free time training computers to play some of my childhood games (like snake).

  1. Coodardy (adj.): Astounded at what you’ve just managed to get away with. (From The Deeper meaning of Liff)